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The Importance of Having a Real Estate Attorney in Kentucky

Did you know that it isn’t necessary for an attorney to be present at a real estate closing in Kentucky?

You may see retaining a real estate attorney as one less thing to worry about in the already complicated process of buying a home, but think twice. Having a qualified real estate attorney involved with your home buying process is vitally important.

What Does a Real Estate Attorney Do?

A real estate attorney’s role begins after the selling price and terms have been negotiated by a real estate agent. A real estate attorney will review the contracts and highlight any possible issues and adjustments within the given terms. Having a real estate attorney on your side ensures that you can go about your home buying process in the most efficient and legally appropriate way. It’s critical to protect yourself when making the potentially largest financial transaction of your life and having a real estate attorney adds a level of protection for both sides of the transaction.

From the discovery of your home to the final closing, there are decisions at every step that have legal consequences. Title defects, transfers of deeds, and property defects are all examples of issues that can only be handled in qualified hands. It’s critical that the right parties oversee your investment.

Finding the Right Real Estate Attorney in Louisville, KY

While your real estate agent may be competent and helpful, their job is to sell the home. A real estate agent will be unable to guide you through the complex issues of legality that may arise throughout the home buying process. Just because your real estate agent uses the correct form contracts and documents doesn’t mean you are completely protected against legal issues. Because of this, a real estate attorney is always good to have on your side. If anything goes legally amiss, an attorney will be best equipped to handle the situation.

Having a real estate attorney involved from the very beginning will also allow a proactive approach to potential problems. The earlier an attorney can spot an issue, the earlier that issue can be addressed, saving you from larger disputes and financial issues.

The closing of the deal can often be the most complex and confusing part of the home-buying process. In the end, it will undoubtedly be best for both parties to have a professional present. Enlisting the services of Borders & Borders will ensure a home buying process that ends with both parties happy.


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